Traffic Exchanges – Valuable Tool – Needs Used Correctly

Traffic Exchanges (TE’s) are a valuable tool, but need to be used correctly.

A traffic exchange begins with a central hub site. Website owners sign up to be a part of this exchange, and their website is added to a list. Another publisher signs up and puts their site into the list as well.

TE’s are sites whereby members receive advertising credits for their own registered sites, in exchange for viewing and ‘clicking’ on other advertised sites, which are presented into a viewing frame.

Traffic to your site is generally guaranteed, as other users will view your site, providing you have sufficient credits.


What Are Traffic Exchanges?

One problem is the balance between earned views and paid out views. At a 1:1 ratio, everything would work out perfectly. However, some publishers will earn credits for traffic they don’t claim.

The usual way a traffic exchange regulates this is by “taxing” views. You’ll see this as the listed ratio on a traffic exchange site. A ratio of 0.5, for example, means that you need to browse two websites in order to earn one view of your own.

Traffic exchanges have evolved from this relatively simple concept. They add additional features, like buying large amounts of traffic directly, or entering contests with credits for jackpots of more credits or payouts.


The Best Traffic Exchange


How Do They Work?

Obtaining credits is a fundamental requirement for advertisers, so they either spend hours clocking up credits or BUY credits.

Credits can be bought direct or via more sophisticated methods, e.g. by paying to upgrade to PRO status, in return for FREE monthly credits and also an enhanced click to viewing ratio (more views to your site versus views you actually make to other’s sites).

The concept of leverage becomes apparent within TE’s, whereby if a person advertises an TE and another user joins that particular program, through that link, then the referrer will gain some reward, usually a quantity of free credits.

This manner of seeking traffic is also known as viral marketing, so you can hugely increase your own web-sites’ traffic, if you can attract other productive affiliates.


Some Problems With Traffic Exchanges

A common complaint with traffic exchanges is that the traffic is not very targeted, even if the exchange segments sites into categories.

Users are not generally looking for new resources or new products to buy, but looking to earn traffic credits.

You might occasionally attract someone, but chances are your conversion rate on TE’s is going to be very low.

Autosurfs are virtually worthless for generating traffic. The money you earn is usually less than the money you pay for credits.

Invalid traffic from an exchange can lead to having your ad accounts terminated. This is especially true for Google’s AdSense, which specifically calls out traffic exchanges as a risky technique.

They don’t explicitly ban their use, because a high quality traffic exchange can actually be a good means of advertising. It’s only when you enter a poor exchange and run it on the same pages, that have AdSense ads, that it hurts you.


Hungry For Hits free traffic exchange banner


Where Are They Going?

Traffic exchanges often have a minimum length of time for a visit to count. It’s still measured in seconds though and it means you only have a short amount of time to catch a user’s attention.

Make sure that your landing page is enough to hook them. Most of the people surfing traffic exchanges aren’t in it to shop, so you’re not going to sell anything.

You’re not going to be able to capture much more than an email lead, based on your landing page. So, instead of trying and failing to sell a product, capture leads and use a longer-term email campaign to convert users.

Make sure you sign up for a high quality exchange, the higher quality and more exclusive, the better the traffic.


Good Or Bad

If you’re using a traffic exchange, it means you’re educated enough about marketing and the internet traffic generation methods to know what a TE even is.

If you’re concerned about traffic generation enough to use an exchange, you’re only in it to get as many hits and traffic as possible, in the shortest possible time.

What sort of information, product or service is going to appeal to these people?

Traffic generation guides and ebooks. Marketing information. The internet equivalent of a get rich quick scheme. Anything else is just stacking the deck against yourself.

If you set up accounts on as many traffic exchanges as you can, you can run surfing through dozens of traffic exchanges and cycle through them so the timers don’t matter.

It works for a few people, in the sense that you’ll get an absolute ton of traffic, but probably not much useful traffic.


List Surfing - Social Advertising Network

Need To Grab Attention – Fast

In many places that you advertise, you have only 10 seconds or less to grab the attention of your visitor. Think of it like a billboard along the highway.. you only get a short glance at it as you pass by.

It is obvious that promoting long affiliate pages will be far less effective than promoting a fast loading splash page or lead capture page.

If you use a splash page or lead capture page in your marketing you can expect 3 times or more signups into your program!

The more people see YOU, your name, your face… the more likely they will be to buy from you, because they will be familiar with you.

Branding yourself creates instant name recognition and trust.

The important thing to remember, is always use a lead capture page in your marketing – no exceptions!


Value Of Traffic Exchanges

Many people do not know the true value of traffic exchanges.. or they underestimate them just because they are a free traffic source.

A traffic exchange is basically a site that exchanges traffic… for viewing other peoples sites, enabling you to earn credits, so others view your site!

You will not get traffic to your site unless you earn credits by surfing, buy credits, OR refer other users to their site. Always use Manual Exchanges, and your results will be much higher.

On average you should be able to generate at least one sign up for every 1,000 to 2,000 credits spent. 2,000 is on the very high end. If not.. you need to improve or change your splash page.

Once you get more referrals doing the clicking for you then you can surf less and less as your downline creates traffic for you!


Traffic Swarm


Check Out These Traffic Exchanges Reviews Now :-

List Surfing – List & Surf

List Surfing is an effective manual traffic exchange blended with a viral list builder. A traffic exchange generally works as a peer to peer advertising system. A list builder works the same way except, you also exchange emails.

Hungry For Hits – Time For Dinner

Hungry For Hits is a free manual traffic exchange which provides you with unlimited quality traffic! It works in a very simple way: For each time you view ads from other members, you will earn views to your own site.

Traffic Swarm – Get Traffic – Make Money

Trafficswarm, a free website traffic provider, article directory, and website builder for International Traffic. We know that it is hard to get started online and want to help you on your internet marketing journey by providing more traffic.

TopSurfer – The Top Place To Advertise

TopSurfer makes it easy for the average person or small business to advertise online. You can even advertise for free or at very affordable rates. 15 seconds compulsory cursor retention.

EasyHits4U – Marketing Program

EasyHits4U promotes your ads to our members. We have delivered billions of ad views and site visits to our members since 2003. Free and easy to use, EasyHits4U is one of the most prominent internet marketing programs on the web with over 1,543,590 members.


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Other Useful Resources Which Will Help You Out

Free eBooks, Reports And Other Information

You can also sell and use these for promotion. Prospects do not buy straight off a link or a recommendation. They need to be warmed up to grow to know, like and trust you and your offer. Affiliates are competing with each other for attention on the same offers, and a bonus is a key way to differentiate your particular offer.

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Posted on: February 13, 2019, by :

6 thoughts on “Traffic Exchanges – Valuable Tool – Needs Used Correctly

  1. Hello Gordon, Vincent Gladue Here, to say hello, and to ask the mastery of this I guess, is a matrix of mind and Eye coordination to give the illusion that they receive more for nothing as nothing to lose and nothing to gain, as a chance is if it works it works.. as it does to the benefactor being the creator or the host, for leverage is the name of the game with all the high-end marketer’s needs are the leads, of others leads to get leads, only to be pushed by there following… is that about right.. do set me straight.. 1+2=3 3+9=12+48+96=192 am I thinking that right? thanks, Ur Cuzn Vinny..ttyl

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