How Did I Do It So Quickly?

  Well the truth is - and admittedly you're probably not going to like this - I didn't really do anything quickly. I mean don't get me wrong, in the past I did manage to find major success overnight with one of my websites. But it didn't come without putting…

How To Buy Money Online

  Spending Money VS Investing Money From 2010 until now, my mind has gone through a fundamental shift in how I look at spending money on my website. When I first started online marketing, I was definitely on a shoestring budget. I was too cheap to buy a .com domain…

I Dedicate This Badge To You

  This maybe getting off the subject a little but bear with me, it is a tribute to my Wealthy Affiliates and a thank you for holding me up in your hearts. We have worked hard together. This community is in it together. …read more The basis of this post…

Daily Commissions? PROOF That Patience Pays

  When I see new people coming to Wealthy Affiliate I see them asking all sorts of questions - like how much can I make? How quickly can I make it? Etc... They're all pretty valid questions, especially for somebody new to this. But what I also often see is…

Make Money No Money

  Here is a story of a man who is broke. Yes that man is me. Heavy sigh!! Going into WA, I had a feeling that I could make money no money available, by at least month three. Well I am going into month nine and have not broken the…