Hungry For Hits – Time For Dinner – Traffic Exchange

Hungry For Hits is a free manual traffic exchange which provides you with unlimited quality traffic!

It works in a very simple way: For each time you view ads from other members, you will earn views to your own site.

You can add your homepage, blog, affiliate link, ad or business opportunity and get free traffic by real people.

All websites and online businesses need traffic to be successful.

Start Cost :- Free

Site Owner :- Klara Schmidtz

Established :- 2016

Approx. Membership :- 21,000

Downline Builder Program :- YES, tons of programs

You also get a number of very useful tracking tools to help you track your progress.

You can get started in minutes, even if you never used a traffic exchange before, and the customer service is quick.

Hungry For Hits is one of the best traffic exchanges, and it’s a site with personality, exclusive features and lots of active buyers.

Brand yourself, have fun surfing, chatting, create your own unique splashpages for sites and get great results.


Why Should I Join?

Hungry For Hits is rated the best traffic exchange by its members and leading advertisers.

Easily increase website traffic for free, since it delivers more traffic than most other sites.

It is also a social branding platform.

Not only do you get unlimited, free traffic and several exclusive tools, you can also build your brand, connect with thousands of people from all over the world and even make friends!

You will earn credits and cash commissions from your referrals. You can create an extra income from having referrals who purchase upgrades and advertising.

You can get enough credits from your referrals so you do not have to surf to have your ads displayed.

It’s a complete advertising service!

Join today and be part of the Hungry For Hits success!


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How do I get started?

Sign up, add your website and start viewing some ads to get free traffic immediately!

If you want website hits, views to your blog, if you do affiliate marketing or even if you just want some great tracking or advertising tools, Hungry For Hits is the place for you!

The tools have some really advanced features, but everything is easy to use and comes with simple step by step instructions.

If you know anyone who has a blog, a homepage, a business owner, someone who wants to promote a brand, trying to sell things online or someone who is into affiliate marketing – give them your referral link for Hungry For Hits.


Get Active Visitors From Hungry For Hits!

You get real-time traffic from 21,000+ members visiting your site, affiliate link or the page you are promoting.

A lot of traffic exchanges advertise how many members they have, but how does that matter if it was years since most of them even logged on?

How does that matter if the advertisers aren’t getting any results? What you want to look for is the activity in the present!

Everything comes in a fun, gamified advertising environment.

Hungry For Hits is the best traffic exchange for getting real visitors to your ads.

You also get extensive Tracking tools which easily lets you track the results of your individual websites. You can also combine the trackers into our free site Rotator service!

Why use lots of inactive traffic exchanges where there are almost no surfers?


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Easy To Use

Hungry For Hits is one of the most professional traffic exchanges, but there are simple step by step instructions for everything if you need it.

You get access to our unique Page Creator, where you can create any type of ad or splashpage from scratch. You can also use it as a branding profile page.

You get your brand seen, to help you build trust and recognition for both yourself and the business you are promoting.

Hungry For Hits is unique, because it displays all site activity stats in detail to all members. What other big advertising sites do this? Any at all? No.

You can use our built in, easy to use tracking service, to verify that size doesn’t really matter – activity does.

Why use traffic exchanges where your credits are wiped away because your ad is the only one in rotation?


Get Results in Hungry For Hits!

You get access to our free Affiliate program, from which you can get free advertising and commissions.

You can also build downlines in several programs.

You get access to our huge social network with all our members.

You also get the ability to have your own blog, and we even host it for you!

Make your own promotional page easily!

Do you need a page to brand yourself?

A page where you can promote a program? 

Why not do both at the same time?

You just need one great traffic exchange to discover how successful you can be – Hungry For Hits!


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Social Network and Blog

Hungry For Hits lets you have your own blog and network with thousands of marketers!

The Social network is your starting point to find other Hungry For Hits members, meet new friends, and share your thoughts on your very own personal blog.

You can post blog posts, others can comment on them, and you can also network with others and see what they write about.

Your social network and blog page is linked to throughout Hungry For Hits wherever your name may appear, such as from the top surfbar when you advertise a website, and on the games and contest pages.

Having a lot of friends on the social network is fun and great if you are a social person who also likes to make friends.

You get notifications when your friend posts a new blog post.

But you don’t need to have any. Anyone, no matter if you’ve met them or not, no matter if they are a member of Hungry For Hits or not, can find you and your blog on the social network page.

They can add your RSS feed to a RSS Feed reader, and they can follow you without having you as a friend in Hungry For Hits.


Hungry For Hits Page Creator

Get a page that converts hundreds of times better than any pre-made advertising material!

Start doing it with this one of a kind Page Creator!

Not sure how to? Don’t worry. It comes with full, simple step by step instructions and support.

Hungry For Hits have several other tools and features which really help members promote, and it is a top ranked Traffic Exchange. Don’t miss out!

Compare us! You will find out why we are on top of rankings and member votes!

-Website, banner and text link advertising
-Startpages and featured Ad spotlight
-Top 10 programs page
-Splashpage creator
-Your own blog
-Social network
-Downline builders
-Promo codes, games, rewards, bingo, daily events and a brilliant affiliate program.

Check out Hungry For Hits, test it and compare!


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Find out more information on traffic exchanges – plus links to reviews on popular Traffic Exchanges.

TE’s are sites whereby members receive advertising credits for their own registered sites, in exchange for viewing and ‘clicking’ on other advertised sites, which are presented into a viewing frame.


Ready To Find Some Other Ways To Start Earning Online?

Starter Earnings – Things To Consider Before You Get Started

Making money online has become a lucrative reality. Whether you’re a student, stay-at-home parent, or simply looking to supplement your income, the internet offers a plethora of opportunities to earn money from the comfort of your home.


As A Professional Affiliate, I Earn From Qualifying Purchases

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OptinMonster is the best lead generation software for marketing agencies, bloggers, eCommerce websites, and all small businesses. If you want to grow your email list, improve your website conversions, and reduce cart abandonment — you need OptinMonster!


Other Useful Resources Which Will Help You Out

Free eBooks, Reports And Other Information

You can also sell and use these for promotion. Prospects do not buy straight off a link or a recommendation. They need to be warmed up to grow to know, like and trust you and your offer. Affiliates are competing with each other for attention on the same offers, and a bonus is a key way to differentiate your particular offer.

What Is A Successful Online Marketing Strategy

Many articles will give you the nuts and bolts of internet marketing, but not many will get to the bottom of what is successful online marketing. A comprehensive online marketing strategy can help you reach increasing numbers of potential clients.

Need Some Inspiration – It Don’t Come Easy – But There’s Help

Great inspirational stories about how to succeed. There are times when we can all use some inspiration. Sometimes you just can’t get yourself motivated, and you don’t have a clue about how to get started. Be encouraged if you are in a tough spot. Overcoming struggle is a part of every good story.

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Technical aids for all your needs. Traditionally, the marketing field emphasized creative thinking over technical skills. But to build a successful career as a marketer today, you need more than a knack for pitching ideas and coming up with clever copy. So take your marketing strategy to the next level.


Find The Page You Want – FAST

Start Me Up Fast – Site Map – Easy Finder


Posted on: February 13, 2019, by :

2 thoughts on “Hungry For Hits – Time For Dinner – Traffic Exchange

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