Post Gopher – Absolute Way to Create a Lead Magnet

Post Gopher is a WordPress plugin that converts your blog posts and pages into downloadable PDF books.

It builds beautiful forms, integrates directly with your autoresponder, captures leads and sends out download links ALL on complete autopilot… Your referrals need this!

Everyone’s raving about the Post Gopher WordPress plugin. And that’s because it’s the easiest way to turn all your blog posts into list-building lead magnets.

Convert Post/Pages Into PDFs Automatically transform any blog post or page into a super targeted, high converting ‘lead magnet’ that’s guaranteed to engage your referral’s readers.

“List Building, Engagement Boosting and Traffic Maximizing – Automatically Turn Any Post or Page Into An Irresistible Lead Magnet… (There’s NOTHING else like it on the market!).”

Big Problem Solver. Creating lead magnets and landing pages is a time consuming process and often a barrier to success. Post Gopher eliminates both roadblocks.

Generate Higher Engagement. Reach new readers, grow subscribers and followers and maximize return traffic.

This Is What EVERY Online Business needs!


The Absolute Easiest Way to Create a Lead Magnet

No matter what niche you’re blogging in, one of the most important things you can do is capture your visitors onto your own email list.

Social media, search engine optimization, and other traffic sources are great… but you don’t own the platforms.

You have zero control. If those platforms change their rules, your traffic is toast.

And you can’t trust people to come back to your blog on their own. You need to remind them. And the best way to do that is by persuading them to join your list.

Now listen, as a blogger you probably spend a lot of time thinking about how to create awesome blog content. So the idea of setting up an email capture system may seem a little daunting. Tedious. Time-consuming.

And yet you know how important it is to create a great lead magnet. Because if you don’t have any enticing ‘bait’ to get people on your list, then you’re not going to be able to capture your visitors.

Now with the clever Post Gopher WordPress plugin, it’s totally possible. That’s because Post Gopher turns each and every one of your blog posts into a potential lead magnet.

The plugin takes your blog post, turns it into nicely formatted PDF, and then offers this downloadable file to your guests in exchange for their email address.


Post Gopher - The Absolute Easiest Way to Create a Lead Magnet


How to Make the Most of Your Blog Content

As a blogger, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about creating content.

Your business revolves around this content. So you’re constantly looking for ways to maximize the benefits you get from every word you create.

If something is popular on your blog, then your social media visitors will probably gobble it up.

You post an article and it’s an instant hit on your blog or even on social media. Now capitalize on this popularity by expanding on your article and turning it into an anchor post.

Still another way to make the most out of your best content is to turn a popular blog post into a lead magnet.

Most people don’t bother doing this because it ends up being a lot of work to turn blog posts into lead magnets.

Until now… and that’s because the Post Gopher WordPress plugin completely automates the process. You can turn every single blog post into a lead magnet with just a click or two of your mouse.

You don’t need to format or convert anything, because the app does it all for you.


3 Great Ways to Boost Your Opt-ins

One way to grow your list is to simply start driving more traffic to your lead pages. But we’re betting you’re already working on that.

So the other thing you can do is increase your conversion rate. In other words, the goal is to get more of your existing traffic to join your list.

1. Capture exit traffic.

The folks leaving your site didn’t see something they wanted. They didn’t buy anything, they didn’t join your list.

But before they leave, you need to dangle something super-enticing in front of their noses. You need to get them on your list, because if they leave they probably won’t be back.

2. Brush up your sales copy.

If prospects aren’t opting into your list, you need to up your game. And that means polishing that sales copy on your lead page.

> Did you provide a bulleted list of benefits telling prospects why they should join your list?

3. Give people something they really want.

The visitors are reading a blog post. They’re excited about the topic. But then they see an offer for a totally unrelated lead magnet.

They have ZERO desire to join your list. Zero. Because their head is someplace else (namely, on the blog post they’re reading).

Point is, if you want to boost opt ins, you need to give people something they want. It needs to be directly related to what they’re looking right now.


Post Gopher - The Absolute Easiest Way to Create a Lead Magnet


The Secrets of Building a Responsive List

Big lists are awesome. But big, RESPONSIVE lists are even better. An engaged audience is where the money is at.

And if you’re looking to boost your list profits, then you need to engage your audience and get them clicking on your links.

1. Give People What They Want.

The #1 way to engage your audience is to give them exactly what they want.

2. Give People What They Expect.

You set expectations with your audience the second the joined your list.

You confirmed those expectations with the first few emails you sent out. And so your audience figured out what sort of content you send and how often you send it.

If you go telling people that your list is all about giving them product reviews, and then you don’t send any product reviews… what do you think will happen? Yep, you’re going to have some ticked off subscribers.

It doesn’t matter what type of content you send or how often you send it…as long as you’re giving people exactly what they want and what they expect.

Want an easy way to be consistent right from the start? Turn your blog posts into lead magnets.

This gives your prospects a highly desirable lead magnet, and it helps set the right kind of expectations.


List Building Made Easy

List building can be sort of a hassle. I mean think about it. Generally you need to string together multiple moving parts and even services to make it work…

You need a lead magnet. You need an autoresponder. You need a lead page and some snazzy sales copy. And you need aspirin, because doing this over and over every week or so is going to give you a big headache.

So imagine for a moment if you had a tool that built a big, highly responsive list for you on autopilot.

That’s right, you don’t need to fuss with creating lead magnets. You don’t need to worry about fancy lead pages or creating forms.

Post Gopher is a WordPress plugin that automatically turns all your blog post into beautifully formatted PDFs, and then it offers these lead magnets to your readers in exchange for their email address.

No more creating lead magnets. No more fiddling with formatting or lead pages. Because Post Gopher does it all for you on autopilot. Just set up the plugin, and Post Gopher goes to work. The plugin…

– Turns all your pages and posts into lead magnets (PDFs).
– Generates beautiful lead-capture forms.
– Delivers your lead magnet.
– Tracks activity so you can gauge performance.


Post Gopher - The Absolute Easiest Way to Create a Lead Magnet


The #1 Key to Successful Lead Magnets

One of the big keys to a successful lead magnet is to create something that your prospects are going to refer to again and again.

End result? More clicks, higher conversions, more sales.

Let’s share with you some of the best kinds of posts and lead magnets you can create to get people clicking on your links…

Gear Lists: These are lists of tools or resources that people in your niche need to complete a task. For example, you might share your favorite social media tools.

Checklists: This is a great tool when there are a lot of steps to a task or things to remember. For example, you might offer travelers a packing checklist.

Templates: These are tools to save your audience time and money. For example, you can give marketers a sales letter template.

Tools and Accessories: These include anything that help your prospects achieve a goal. For example, you might offer dieters meal plans and recipes.

So you get the point – if you create content that your readers will reference repeatedly, then you’ll be rewarded with more clicks and sales.


Does This Really Make List Building Easy?

Everyone’s raving about the Post Gopher WordPress plugin. And that’s because it’s the easiest way to turn all your blog posts into list-building lead magnets.

Just set up the plugin, and it does everything for you, including:

> Creating your lead magnets,
> Generating opt-in forms,
> Delivering the lead magnets, and
> Tracking performance.

No wonder everyone is buzzing about it. And no wonder so many people have jumped on board to start using this plugin to build their lists!

Now if you haven’t jumped on this offer yet, it’s probably because you have some questions.

Q) How does it work?

A) It’s simple. Once you activate and set-up the WordPress plugin, Post Gopher turns your pages and posts into “content upgrade” lead magnets. You don’t have to lift a finger. It formats your content, converts it a gorgeous PDF, and delivers it to your prospect.

Now you have highly targeted lead magnets going out to your audience. And that means you’re building a high-response list of engaged prospects!

Q) Do I need any special tech skills?

A) Nope! If you can find your way around a WordPress dashboard, then you can use Post Gopher. You don’t need to know anything about coding or any other technical mumbo jumbo. This is point and click easy!

Social media could die (MySpace, anyone?). Google could drop you. Your paid advertising budget could dry up. And every other source of traffic you now rely on could zero out.

And you know what? You’d be okay as long as you had your own list. Because as long you have a list, you have a waiting audience to read your blog posts, click on your links, and buy your products.

Your list is your #1 asset – which is why you want to grow it as big and as quickly as you can. That’s what Post Gopher helps you do. And that’s why you need Post Gopher.

To Your Success!


Post Gopher - The Absolute Easiest Way to Create a Lead Magnet


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Other Useful Resources Which Will Help You Out

Free eBooks, Reports And Other Information

You can also sell and use these for promotion. Prospects do not buy straight off a link or a recommendation. They need to be warmed up to grow to know, like and trust you and your offer. Affiliates are competing with each other for attention on the same offers, and a bonus is a key way to differentiate your particular offer.

What Is A Successful Online Marketing Strategy

Many articles will give you the nuts and bolts of internet marketing, but not many will get to the bottom of what is successful online marketing. A comprehensive online marketing strategy can help you reach increasing numbers of potential clients.

Need Some Inspiration – It Don’t Come Easy – But There’s Help

Great inspirational stories about how to succeed. There are times when we can all use some inspiration. Sometimes you just can’t get yourself motivated, and you don’t have a clue about how to get started. Be encouraged if you are in a tough spot. Overcoming struggle is a part of every good story.

Technical Aids – Take Your Marketing Strategy Next Level

Technical aids for all your needs. Traditionally, the marketing field emphasized creative thinking over technical skills. But to build a successful career as a marketer today, you need more than a knack for pitching ideas and coming up with clever copy. So take your marketing strategy to the next level.


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Posted on: August 6, 2021, by :

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