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Education & Training


Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect_300x250

101 Blockchains

The Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect (CEBA) certification is a popular job-centric blockchain credential with a specific focus on blockchain solution architecture. The CEBA certification is the best choice for any professional interested in designing blockchain-based systems and solutions.

The CEBA certification covers a broad range of topics related to blockchain development. Apart from the concepts underlying blockchain architecture and development, the CEBA certification focuses on blockchain use cases and the selection of suitable blockchain systems for enterprise needs.

The CEBA certification offers the best collection of learning resources for those who wish to become professional enterprise blockchain architects.

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101 Blockchains – 27-Jun-21


Knowledge Box Central

You may have seen Lapbooks before, but NOT like this!

What makes ours different? We use Color Psychology and other proven practices in all of our Lapbooks, and this helps to improve information retention.

Knowledge Box Central is the premier lapbook producer thanks to Cyndi’s incredible insight and application of learning styles. KBC helps you with your child’s learning by utilizing breakthrough techniques, like color psychology, and well known practices that enhance interest and retention.

What is a Lapbook? Glad you asked! It is a wonderful way for your student to document whatever topic he is studying. He will create small booklets along the way, and put them all together at the end of the study to create a keepsake called a Lapbook. Lapbooks are great ways to review, and children really enjoy displaying their work in this way. All of the planning is done for you ~ It really is easy! Just give it a try! It’s more than a craft it is an experience.

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Knowledge Box Central – 15-Aug-21




20+ years of success
Whizlabs is a leading hands-on learning provider in various technologies such as Cloud Computing (AWS, Azure, GCP), DevOps Java, BigData, Snowflake, CompTIA, Cybersecurity, and Blockchain

Since our launch in 2000, we have been helping over 10 million+ professionals and learners around the world to achieve success in their careers through our wide range of courses, practice tests, hands-on labs, and cloud sandbox. With over 22+ years of experience, Whizlabs is a pioneer in the online training industry.

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Whizlabs – 05-Jan-22


Job Ready Programmer

You can’t learn programming from reading books or online fill-in-the-blank type tutorials. Especially the online tutorials with browser based exercises where you code directly in your browser.

The problem with that approach is that it doesn’t provide practical experience. It provides an illusion of learning something as it tugs you along to complete an assignment that’s more of a fill-in-the-blank type problem.

A student feels like they’ve learned something but that knowledge does not stick. Unfortunately that experience will not help in an interview nor an actual project. Valuable time ends up going to complete waste.

At JRP (JobReadyProgrammer), we don’t follow hype. We do what works! We take a traditional route to teaching how to code advancing slowly & patiently in the lectures often repeating key concepts in multiple different ways to help students really solidify the knowledge and mold their foundation to discover how to code properly and then boy do we test the skills!

Students are put right in the middle of a practical real-world programming assignment to apply everything they’ve learned. So enough of those “key in the next few commands to fill in the puzzle and we’ll advance you” kind of tutorials.

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Job Ready Programmer – 27-Nov-23


Eskills Academy – removed 31-Dec-20
CertBlaster – removed 12-Feb-21
Athena Global Education – removed 03-Sep-21
JanBask Training – removed 21-Apr-22
Brain4ce Education Solutions – removed 15-Oct-22
Scribendi – removed 18-Jun-23
Simpliv LLC – removed 27-Nov-23


Further Education


As A Professional Affiliate, I Earn From Qualifying Purchases

Grammarly Writing Support - 728 x 90

Grammarly is the world’s leading software suite for perfecting written English. It checks for more than 250 types of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, enhances vocabulary usage, and suggests citations. Grammarly has millions of users and more than 600 educational and corporate clients.


HireWriters.com - 728 x 90

HireWriters is a premier content marketplace for writers, and people who buy content. There is currently a huge demand for articles, blog posts, press releases and other website content. We offer only the highest quality English speaking writers to our clients.


OptinMonster - 728 x 90

OptinMonster is the best lead generation software for marketing agencies, bloggers, eCommerce websites, and all small businesses. If you want to grow your email list, improve your website conversions, and reduce cart abandonment — you need OptinMonster!


Other Useful Resources Which Will Help You Out

Free eBooks, Reports And Other Information

You can also sell and use these for promotion. Prospects do not buy straight off a link or a recommendation. They need to be warmed up to grow to know, like and trust you and your offer. Affiliates are competing with each other for attention on the same offers, and a bonus is a key way to differentiate your particular offer.

What Is A Successful Online Marketing Strategy

Many articles will give you the nuts and bolts of internet marketing, but not many will get to the bottom of what is successful online marketing. A comprehensive online marketing strategy can help you reach increasing numbers of potential clients.

Need Some Inspiration – It Don’t Come Easy – But There’s Help

Great inspirational stories about how to succeed. There are times when we can all use some inspiration. Sometimes you just can’t get yourself motivated, and you don’t have a clue about how to get started. Be encouraged if you are in a tough spot. Overcoming struggle is a part of every good story.

Technical Aids – Take Your Marketing Strategy Next Level

Technical aids for all your needs. Traditionally, the marketing field emphasized creative thinking over technical skills. But to build a successful career as a marketer today, you need more than a knack for pitching ideas and coming up with clever copy. So take your marketing strategy to the next level.


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Posted on: May 18, 2021, by :

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