Category: Uncategorized
Happy Days at WA!
I haven't posted to the community for a while and there are a multitude of reasons. They include family, health, home repair issues, blah blah blah, you get the picture. When the Holidays loomed large, I could easily use them as the excuse. Now another month has passed, I'm…
I’ll Get There Soon
The more active you are within the WA community, the higher your rank becomes. A higher rank has no monetary benefit and does not directly correlate to success. My rank shows that in the community, I have contributed by answering questions and earned my rank. It gives me a…
Setbacks Are A Struggle – Not A Stopping Point
So, I've been chugging away at my niche website and I tried to log into one of my affiliate accounts. I kept getting a page that told me they had removed their affiliate program, whose links I had used throughout. So I was basically still advertising for them for…
Life Changes in a Second
Lesabre posted :- Sorry I've not been around. I missed your comments and your success stories. Not having a lot of friends, the few I have, are very precious to me. I lost two of them one in a plane crash and the other to a heart attack. Jeff…
Woohoo First Sale ClickBank
I finished writing my blog post on my website to day, so I thought I would take some time to update you all on what's been happening on the business side of things for me. I'm happy to report that with yesterday's post that I reached my goal of…
Addicted To Online Marketing
I am addicted to running...who would have known. At 49 I started running and this was my son's first full marathon and my first half-marathon in Toronto, Canada. I loved the feeling of crossing that finish line, but it takes dedication, training, motivation and self-control. So further to this,…
What Is The Customer Thinking?
We can't read our customer's mind, but if you're not giving them what they need, then you're not in the game. Are you researching Pinterest, Facebook, Quora, etc., to look at the ‘conversations’ people are having. Customer experience means EVERYTHING I do on my website, is done with my…
Get Off The Sidelines and Into The Game
From the moment I wake-up I have a decision to make regarding how the day will be, by making the right choices. For me I have four areas that have always had a huge effect on how the day will go. 1- Belief - Having belief in myself is…
Click Track Profit – Confidence To Succeed
To make anything worth being proud of, you will need to immerse yourself in learning the ropes, (with every moment you can spare, for a while) but it pays-off BIG. If you still lack the confidence to succeed, Do NOT worry, it's not that hard. Affiliate marketing is an amazing…
Do Not Compare Yourself To Others
It is my goal to help and encourage others to be the best that they can be, within the Wealthy Affiliate network. I have to remember that one of the key areas of success, is to just be yourself. We have all been given unique and gifted talents, that…