Addicted To Online Marketing
I am addicted to running…who would have known.
At 49 I started running and this was my son’s first full marathon and my first half-marathon in Toronto, Canada.
I loved the feeling of crossing that finish line, but it takes dedication, training, motivation and self-control.
So further to this, I am also addicted to this online marketing business.
What a rush at every step of the journey. The first website you build, being ranked by google! WOW! amazing.
This platform is just so unique in the positive, supportive community. Everyone is so helpful and encouraging…
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The basis of this post was initially created on Wealthy Affiliate by WMarshall1
You can find more inspirational posts by this member, by typing their name into the search box at the site.
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Posted on: November 6, 2019, by : Gordon McQue