Month: September 2019
45 Today and don’t feel a day over 55 Oh Well
LOL my kids today were getting ready for school and say Happy 55th Birthday to which I replied thanks but I'm only 45 today. Thus goes my tough life I guess. It puts battle scars on ones skin and soul but facing down your demons brings new life, recovery,…
7 Months no Sales
I don't know if I will be happy or what! I can not believe until now I did not yet generate even a single penny. I don't know if I am doing it the right way here at Wealthy Affiliate. But one thing I am very sure. I don't…
Random Thoughts
Esoteric Squirrel made an appearance this morning… I do apologize, as it’s 6 am, and this guy woke me up at 4:30 with an idea. I also have ingested LOADS of coffee, so it might not make sense. Visualization The first and most important step is to visualize what…
Procrastination, Maybe Later
I was going to do a post on Procrastination, but I've decided to put it off until later. In my attempt to launch my courses, I have discovered a whole new form of Procrastination! Do everything humanly possible to get everything done, but get nothing accomplished! I apparently feel…
Know Your Audience
Last week, I tossed up an article about an online bank that's offering a $50 bonus if you sign up with them and deposit $100 within 14 days. I was already a member of that bank because I liked the 2.25% APR they give me on my balances, no…
I Got a Little Lazy
If you've been reading my posts here on WA, you know that I've been touting the great things I've been learning as I go through the Super Affiliate Challenge (SAC). Don't get me wrong, these things are still great, the danger is a little procrastination creeping in... Last week,…
Do As I Say, Not As I Do!
I know how it works. I tell others how-to do it and I try to hold myself accountable... I failed this last week. So, I ended up taking a last minute (literally 3 days notice) trip to Alaska. Staying at a friend's fish camp, going fishing, hanging out, etc..…
Fail, With Enthusiasm, Success Will Follow
I don't love "quoting" others, just never been a fan of it. The reason is that I see too many people making "inspirational" quotes and memes without offering any useful information or opinion. Thus I am going to put my own spin on what I feel is one of…
How To Deal With A Major Setback In Your Business
Since this really comes down to our personal choice, there is no right or wrong answer. At the end of 2017, I was hit with a major setback in my book publishing business. I had been reprinting books like crazy and had reached 913 book titles in print on…
It’s just another brick in the wall
You know when you have those days, weeks, months or lives where it just feels like really hard work, a struggle. You feel like you're always fighting. That is what this week has felt like. To quote Alanis Morrisette, "Isn't it ironic"! I should be celebrating, jumping around like…